Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 7

Dear Me,

Whew. Finished my workout, but I know it is not a hard enough workout for me. I used to be a cheerleader for crap sake! I would have practice after school and then go home and jump on the trampoline. I would exercise all the freaking time. Tae Bo was my BFF! Now, I do a 15-20 minute easy Wii workout and I am ready to retire. I have got 11 days in of the 30 day workout program. Then I switch to Medium intensity and after 30 days of medium I go to Hard. By then I am hoping to have the energy to start adding more days and longer workouts. I always wanted to try that Slim in Six video.
Once I get a bike pump I will be able to ride my bike again on the weekends. I managed to break our old bike pump. I went to push down too fast and too hard with my foot and twisted the cap right off. Oh well. You win some. You lose some. You break some in between and buy another one.

I am almost finished with my book. Waiting for my other book to come in. I am still soul searching for what I want to do with my life. I love writing and could write nonsense forever. I still have my dream of acting, but feel like that will be satisfied if I just take a few acting classes leisurely for fun. Maybe by God's hands I will end up doing something, as my God Daughter would say, "MARVELOUS!!!" That would be great. Until then though I need to focus on a path. Isn't there a book somewhere to tell you what would be best for you to do? If you chose this, then this may happen. If you chose that, then that will happen. Nope! No book to get through life. Just trial and lots of error.

I was thinking today at work and many times before. They should have a Copy, Scan, Printer machine that will give you the option to Scan and copy that item at the same time. Now, at my office you have to feed it thru to make a copy and then feed it back thru again to scan it. It would be so much more efficient for the employees, employers, and the machine quality if you just selected a button and it would do both with the one transfer thru the machine. Another thing I was thinking was it would be great if the mail machine not only stamped the letters but also stamped the return address as well. When you feed the letter thru the machine it would first print whatever return address you chose and then print the postage label. Maybe these machines are out there and my office just can't afford them or has no need for them. However, if they don't exist...Maybe I should work on that idea......Hmm.

At work my co-worker asked me to spell the word Fiberglasted. It was hilarious because she first asked me if I had a dictionary. Which I had to boldly reply, "Nope. Sorry. Don't carry those around in my ass." Then when I dare to ask her why she told me and I knew immediately she meant flabbergast, but the fact that she said Fiberglasted had myself and another co-worker jumping in our seats with laughter. So, I have added  to my list of things to buy when I have the money-Pocket Dictionary. You just never know when you may need one.

A friend of mine at work is pregnant. She is just about to start her second trimester.It was weird because before any of us knew a few of us were having morning sickness and not feeling very well. Then, come to find out she was going thru similar symptoms because she was pregnant. When she showed me the ultrasound I didn't know at first what she was showing me. I thought maybe a cysts or cancer or something. It took a good minute for it to register. This is some exciting news for the office. Funny last time I worked at this same office, two of the girls were pregnant.

I am hungry. Gotta go eat some cereal or maybe some veggie soup.Once I get my next check I can actually get some real food. Veggies and fruit. Yum!

"Nothing is Impossible to a Willing Heart"


1 comment:

Chel said...

You need to go to www.myplan.com as I've told you before! They have several free personality tests and Myers Briggs tests that will clarify why certain careers will never saitisfy you and which ones will bring you joy (based on your results). It's very in depth. From there you can see what those careers typical make for annual income by state and what kind of degree (if any) you would need to have to make that a reality. At the very least, go take a real Myers Briggs test.